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Yoox Net-A-Porter Group goes fur free

YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP announces fur-free policy

6 JUNE 2017 - YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP (YNAP), the world’s leading online luxury fashion retailer, has announced this week that it is adopting a fur...

Germany ends fur farming

Victory: Germany ends fur farming!

5 JUNE 2017, GERMANY - In a huge victory for animals German leaders have voted to make an end to fur factory farming. The legislation...

Fur farm in Czech Republic (2012)

Bill to ban fur farming in Estonia rejected

18 MAY 2017, TALLIN - On 10 May, with 24 votes in favour and 49 against, the parliament of Estonia rejected a bill that would outlaw...

czech petition

Czech fur farming ban passed in second reading

13 MAY 2017, PRAGUE - In its second reading the Czech Chamber of Deputies voted in favor of the amendment of the bill that bans the...

Bosnian government urged to uphold fur farming ban

25 APRIL 2017 - In a letter to the members of the Bosnian House of Peoples the Fur Free Alliance urges the Bosnian government to stay committed...

fur sales ban Berkely

City of Berkeley bans the sales of fur

BERKELY, UNITED STATES, 10 APRIL 2017 - The City Council of Berkeley CA last week voted to adopt an ordinance banning the sale of fur apparel,...