Last Thursday international experts gathered in Sarajevo to discuss the negative impact of fur farming on animal welfare and the environment. The event, organised by...
LONDON - 11 OCTOBER 2017 - The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and LAV, along with the Fur Free Alliance (FFA), are pleased...
27 SEPTEMBER 2017, BRUSSELS - A new report by the Fur Free Alliance, presented at the European Parliament today, has revealed a woeful lack of...
FINLAND, 19 AUGUST 2017 - New footage from five Finnish fur farms shows that the selective breeding of super sized foxes - which caused an uproar...
5 AUGUST 2017, PRAGUE - On August 1, the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, signed the amendment of the animal protection law that...
30 JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Last week the Dutch Advertising Standards Authority forced the fur brand Airforce to remove false animal-friendly claims from their labels. The...