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International seminar in Sarajevo on the impact of fur farming

Last Thursday international experts gathered in Sarajevo to discuss the negative impact of fur farming on animal welfare and the environment. The event, organised by...

Gucci announces fur-free policy!

LONDON - 11 OCTOBER 2017 - The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and LAV, along with the Fur Free Alliance (FFA), are pleased...

New report calls for clearer labelling of real fur products in the EU

27 SEPTEMBER 2017, BRUSSELS - A new report by the Fur Free Alliance, presented at the European Parliament today, has revealed a woeful lack of...

Super-sized obese fox

Hugely overweight foxes revealed on Finnish fur farms

FINLAND, 19 AUGUST 2017 - New footage from five Finnish fur farms shows that the selective breeding of super sized foxes - which caused an uproar...

Wild foxes

Czech fur farming ban signed by President Zeman

5 AUGUST 2017, PRAGUE - On August 1, the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, signed the amendment of the animal protection law that...

Raccoon dogs fur farm

Advertising Standards Authority reprimands “animal-friendly fur” labels

30 JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Last week the Dutch Advertising Standards Authority forced the fur brand Airforce to remove false animal-friendly claims from their labels. The...