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Calls for global closure of mink fur farms as Dutch government orders cull and confirms mink fur farms could act as reservoir for COVID-19

The Fur Free Alliance urges governments to close mink farms in all countries  AMSTERDAM - 4 JUNE 2020 – The Dutch government has ordered the...

Fur Industry “WelFur” scheme criticized by veterinarians for masking animal suffering and condemned as “cynical PR spin” by animal campaigners

BRUSSELS, 21 JANUARY 2020 - A fur industry animal welfare certification scheme being showcased by the fur trade in the European Parliament this week has...

Protesters in Latvia demand fur farming ban

RIGA, 4 DECEMBER 2019 – Over 800 hundred protesters joined a march in Riga, Latvia on November 30 to demand a fur farming ban. The...

New polls show growing majority of Finns oppose fur farming

FINLAND, 29 NOVEMBER 2019 - Two new surveys show that 74 per cent of Finns oppose fur farming in its current form. The surveys, conducted...

Dark side of fur farming exposed at the European Parliament

BRUSSELS, 22 NOVEMBER 2019 - This Wednesday, animal advocates exposed shocking conditions on European fur farms at the European Parliament and called for urgent action....

Slovakia next country to close down fur farms

BRATISLAVA, 17 OCTOBER 2019 - Today the Slovak National Council approved a ban on fur production that makes Slovakia the 15th European country to end...