4 DECEMBER 2016 – Popular Estonian brands Reval Denim Guild and GUILD have joined the international Fur Free Retailer program and are now part of an increasing number of designers, fashion houses, clothing chains and stores that are neither producing nor selling any products made out of real fur. Joan Hint, the creator and art
ITALY, 29 NOVEMBER 2016 – OVS, Italian’s leading clothing brand with over 800 stores in Italy and worldwide, will no longer use animal fur. The popular brand came out this week with a public statement to drop fur from its future collections. OVS worked together with LAV (Italian Animal Rights group) and is now part of
PRAGUE, 10 NOVEMBER 2016 – Fur farming will no longer be allowed in the Czech Republic by 2019 according to a bill that the Chamber of Deputies passed in first reading yesterday. The amendment prohibits the breeding and killing of animals solely or primarily for the purpose of fur and was submitted by about one fourth
PRAGUE, 25 OCTOBER 2016 – Last Thursday an international seminar took place in the Chamber of Debuties in Prague to discuss legislation concerning fur farming bans. The seminar, which was organized by animal protection organization Svoboda Zvirat and supported by the Fur Free Alliance, gathered experts on the political and legislative process, and the scientific grounds, of
PRAGUE, 19 OCTOBER 2016 – This Tuesday the Fur Free Alliance visited the Parliament of the Czech Republic to show support for a new bill to ban fur farming. The new bill proposes to ban the breeding of animals solely or primarily for their fur. Existing farms would be phased out by the end of 2018
ESTONIA, 6 OCTOBER 2016 – For the first time in Estonia, local fashion designers stand up to support a ban on fur farms in a campaign run by the animal advocacy organization Loomus. This project is a part of the long-term campaign “I am on the side of animals!”, which supports the ambition to submit a