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Animal protection organisations welcome Member States’ call for an end of fur farming in the EU

28 JUNE 2021, BRUSSELS – Today, the Dutch and Austrian governments presented an information note on fur farming in the Council, which has already been supported by Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Slovakia. The initiative calls on the European Commission to take action to permanently end fur farming in the EU based on animal welfare, ethics

COVID-19 first detected in European mink farms a year ago – NGOs and the public urge the EU to act

12 months after the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first detected in animals in a mink farm in the Netherlands, the EU has failed to take decisive action to shut down these coronavirus reservoirs despite huge public support for a ban on fur farming. In recent months, over 500.000 people have signed our petition calling for an

Scientific statement on public health risks from SARS-CoV-2 and the intensive rearing of mink

15 FEBRUARY 2021 – The Fur Free Alliance and Eurogroup for Animals have released a scientific statement on public health risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 and intensive mink production, signed by numerous scientists from the fields of virology, infectious diseases, clinical microbiology, veterinary medicine and environmental health. The statement comes in the wake of numerous outbreaks

Calls for global closure of mink fur farms as Dutch government orders cull and confirms mink fur farms could act as reservoir for COVID-19

The Fur Free Alliance urges governments to close mink farms in all countries  AMSTERDAM – 4 JUNE 2020 – The Dutch government has ordered the culling of thousands of mink on nine fur farms from Friday this week, following advice from a team of veterinary and infectious disease experts that mink fur farms could act

New polls show growing majority of Finns oppose fur farming

FINLAND, 29 NOVEMBER 2019 – Two new surveys show that 74 per cent of Finns oppose fur farming in its current form. The surveys, conducted by Finnish market research company Taloustutkimus, also reveal 60 per cent of the Finnish citizens think killing animals for their fur is wrong.  The surveys were commissioned by Finnish animal

Slovakia next country to close down fur farms

BRATISLAVA, 17 OCTOBER 2019 – Today the Slovak National Council approved a ban on fur production that makes Slovakia the 15th European country to end fur farming. The legislation, that will go into effect in 2021, passed with an overwhelming majority vote of 107 out of 150 from across the political spectrum and includes a