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Saga Furs’ profits nose-dive as fashion houses and consumers turn their backs on fur

LONDON, 24 JANUARY 2019 – Saga Furs’ end of year financial report, released yesterday, shows the company’s income has dropped sharply (by 20 per cent) between 1.11.2017 and 31.10.2018 and the group’s pre-tax profit has decreased from €9.2 million in 2016-2017 to minus €1.7 million (a decrease of €10.9 million). The report which can be

Ukraine proposes bill to ban fur farming

UKRAINE – On February 7, 36 Members of Parliament introduced a bill to ban fur farming in Ukraine. The bill is initiated by MP Andriy Pomazanov with support of Fur Free Alliance member organisation Unique Planet. The bill, that has now been registered in the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament), introduces changes to legislation to ensure humane

CHICCO joins the Fur Free Program and confirms the company’s commitment not to make use of animal furs

ITALY, 17 JANUARY 2019 – CHICCO, a brand dedicated to the entire world of babies, banned the use of animal furs since a long time but now goes one step further to undersign a formal fur-free commitment with LAV and the Fur Free Alliance. The brand, which has always focused great attention on the materials

High levels of toxic chemicals found in fur by new Chinese study

29 NOVEMBER 2018 – Scientific analysis of six fur fashion items purchased from high-street stores in China has revealed potentially dangerous concentrations of toxic chemicals, in one case 250 times above the levels permitted by law. On the back of this research, Professors and doctors of international standing are calling for governments to take a

Negative impact of fur farms on local residents revealed by new Polish research

POLAND, 20 NOVEMBER 2018 – A new Polish research report paints an alarming picture of the impact of fur farms on surrounding local communities. The report, published by Polish socio-economic research institute ZOBSiE and commissioned by Otwarte Klatki, was the result of a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews with citizens in three Polish municipalities

Estonian MPs present a bill to ban fur farming

ESTONIA, NOVEMBER – On 14 November 2018, a bill to ban fur farming in Estonia, starting 2024, was presented to the Estonian parliament by social democrat Barbi Pilvre and 17 other parliament members. The NGO Loomus, the Estonian representative of the Fur Free Alliance, welcomes the initiative and invites people to the animal rights march on 24