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Major new report on European fur trade

What’s behind fashion? European fur trade marketed as responsible business. The European fur industry, and especially the Nordic fur industry, markets itself as a responsible business concerned about ethics. A new report reveals that fur farms producing Saga fur, the main Nordic fur auction house and brand, share the considerable animal welfare problems inherent in

Two fox cubs, five paws

POLAND, 21 AUGUST 2015 – Last week, inspectors from the Polish Fur Free Alliance member organisation Otwarte Klatki intervened at a fox farm in Kiełczewo, Kościan commune in western Poland to rescue two fox cubs. Inspectors came across the wounded animals in the course of inspection carried out on the farm with the consent of

Global animal welfare organisations call upon the Czech Republic to ban fur

PRAGUE/BRUSSELS, 31 MARCH 2015 – The Czech Minister of Agriculture, Marian Jurečka, received an open letter today from the international coalitions Eurogroup for Animals and Fur Free Alliance, which bring together 72 animal welfare organisations from all over the world. The associations call upon the minister to adopt a ban on the breeding of animals for

Fur Free Fashion Beijing: International designers call for fur-free fashion

BEIJING, 19 JANUARY 2015 – International welfare charity ACTAsia, based in the UK, Netherlands, China and the U.S., held its second annual Fur Free Fashion show yesterday in Beijing, China’s capital. Designers from three continents joined the runway, along with nineteen fur-free brands, to promote fashion with compassion for people, animals and the environment. After

Majority of Estonian population against fur

TALLIN, 8 DECEMBER 2014 –  According to the recent poll over half, or 58 percent, of the Estonian population is either “rather” or “definitely” against raising and killing animals in farms for the purpose of producing fur, reports Estonian animal rights organization Loomus. ‘Based on the poll that was carried out in the end of