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Europe’s first fur-free shopping street

fur-free shopping street

AMSTERDAM, 20 JUNE 2016 – After working together with Dutch animal protection organisation Bont voor Dieren, the store owners on the Hartenstraat in Amsterdam have decided to ban all fur items from their shops. With this compassionate move the Hartenstraat (which translates as ‘Heartstreet’) has become the first fur-free shopping street in Europe. The 19 store

Armani’s fur-free policy celebrated worldwide

Armani fur free

13 April 2016 – Since Armani’s announcement to drop fur last month the luxury brand’s new fur-free policy turned trending topic in online fashion magazines worldwide. Fashion critics and bloggers all over the world applauded Armani’s innovative and compassionate decision. Perez Hilton: “We LOVE this! Good call, Giorgio!” ELLE: “This is a major step for cruelty-free fashion” Shelly Vella, Fashion and

Luxury brand Armani goes fur free

Armani fur free

MILAN, 22 MARCH 2016 – The Fur Free Alliance praises renowned luxury brand Armani for today’s announcement to drop all real animal fur. With its decision the Italian high-end label responds to a growing consumer demand for ethical and sustainable fashion. Armani will leave out all real fur, including rabbit fur, from its collection starting

Worldwide praise for fur-free HUGO BOSS

9 JULY 2015 – The announcement of luxury brand HUGO BOSS earlier this week to drop fur from their collection received praise and media attention worldwide. The brand’s decision to leave products of extreme animal cruelty behind was broadly celebrated on social media by thousands of animal supporters and fashion consumers worldwide.  Quotes of Hugo

HUGO BOSS commits to fur-free policy

GERMANY, 6 JULY 2015 –The Fur Free Alliance praises luxury brand Hugo Boss for phasing out all real animal fur. The progressive decision was recently announced in the HUGO BOSS Sustainability Report 2014 and has been an issue in discussions between HUGO BOSS and the Fur Free Alliance. HUGO BOSS will be dropping all fur, including rabbit

Fur ban at Charles Vögele

BASEL, 16 FEBUARY 2015 – A traditional Swiss business is now free of fur: the Charles Vögele Group has undertaken to forego the sale of real fur within the framework of the “Fur Free Retailer” programme. This fashion business has therefore now clearly positioned itself in opposition to fur products involving animal abuse. Swiss Animal