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KiK joins the Fur Free Retailer Program

Kik goes fur free

HAMBURG, 28 JANUARI 2017 – Since last week consumers can be sure not to find any real animal fur when shopping at KiK. Germany’s leading textile discount for the entire family, with 3,400 stores in nine European countries, reaffirms their longstanding fur free policy and joined the Fur Free Retailer Program. Since the founding of KiK

Reval Denim Guild to join the Fur Free Retailer program

Reval Denim Guild goes fur-free

4 DECEMBER 2016 – Popular Estonian brands Reval Denim Guild and GUILD have joined the international Fur Free Retailer program and are now part of an increasing number of designers, fashion houses, clothing chains and stores that are neither producing nor selling any products made out of real fur. Joan Hint, the creator and art

Italian leading clothing brand OVS goes fur-free

ovs fur-free

ITALY, 29 NOVEMBER 2016 – OVS, Italian’s leading clothing brand with over 800 stores in Italy and worldwide, will no longer use animal fur. The popular brand came out this week with a public statement to drop fur from its future collections. OVS worked together with LAV (Italian Animal Rights group) and is now part of

LPP quits natural fur!

lpp quits fur

POLAND, 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 – LPP – the biggest clothing company in Poland, managing brands Reserved, Tallinder, Mohito, Cropp, House and Sinsay, resigned from the use of natural furs. Starting with the season autumn/winter 2016, the collections of all 6 brands will be completely free from this material. This decision was influenced by the expectations

O Bag goes green and quits fur

o bag goes fur-free

21 july 2016 – O bag, the famous Italian fashion handbag brand has, in agreement with the Fur Free Alliance, announced its commitment to completely abandon the use of animal fur in its products. The O bag autumn collection will be showcasing a major new feature: instead of real fur, the interchangeable handles, straps, trims and

Amsterdam celebrates first fur-free shopping street in Europe

Fur-free shopping street in Amsterdam

23 JUNE 2016, AMSTERDAM – This week Europe’s first fur-free shopping street became a fact in the midst of the historic center of Amsterdam. The public statement was a joint effort of Dutch animal protection organisation Bont voor Dieren and 19 store owners on the Hartenstraat.