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Republic of Ireland bans fur farming

DUBLIN, 30 MARCH 2022 – The Fur Free Alliance welcomes the news that legislation banning fur farming in the Republic of Ireland has passed the final stages of the parliamentary process. Having completed its passage through the Dáil (House of Representatives) in early 2022, the Bill completed its final stage in the Seanad (Senate) on

Major win: Italy to permanently ban fur farming

ROME – 21 DECEMBER 2021 – Today, the Italian Senate Budget Committee approved an amendment that will shutdown the country’s 10 remaining fur farms within six months making Italy the 16th country in Europe to ban fur farming. The approved amendment includes an immediate ban on breeding of fur-bearing animals including mink, foxes, raccoon dogs and

Historic news: France bans the farming of wild animals for their fur

18 NOVEMBER 2021, PARIS – In a historic move, today the French senate voted by an overwhelming majority in favour of legislation to end the farming of wild animals for their fur. The ban will go into immediate effect and will see the two remaining French mink fur farms shut down. With 332 votes in

Campaigners submit 880,457 #StopDeadlyFur petition signatures to G20 leaders

ROME – 20 OCTOBER 2021- The Fur Free Alliance handed over more than 880.000 signatures to Italy’s G20 delegation calling for urgent global action on fur farming at the upcoming G20 Summit in Rome later this month. In light of the spread of COVID-19 on hundreds of mink fur farms worldwide, the Alliance’s ‘Stop Deadly

Animal protection organisations welcome Member States’ call for an end of fur farming in the EU

28 JUNE 2021, BRUSSELS – Today, the Dutch and Austrian governments presented an information note on fur farming in the Council, which has already been supported by Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Slovakia. The initiative calls on the European Commission to take action to permanently end fur farming in the EU based on animal welfare, ethics

Israel becomes world’s first country to ban fur sales

ISRAEL, JUNE 2021 – In a historic decision, Israel introduces a ban on the sales of animal furs, making it the first country to do so. The widely-supported fur sales ban, which includes a few exemptions, was signed into law on the 9th of June by the Israeli Environmental Protection Minister Gali Gamliel and becomes