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Czech fur farming ban passed in second reading

czech petition

13 MAY 2017, PRAGUE – In its second reading the Czech Chamber of Deputies voted in favor of the amendment of the bill that bans the breeding and killing of animals for fur. The amendment was proposed by a number of Deputies led by chairman of the Czech Committee on the Environment,  Mr.Robin Böhnisch. The ban on fur

Bosnian government urged to uphold fur farming ban

25 APRIL 2017 – In a letter to the members of the Bosnian House of Peoples the Fur Free Alliance urges the Bosnian government to stay committed to the Animal Protection and Welfare Act that was voted upon in 2009 and make an end to fur farming. In 2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina passed a law to ban

City of Berkeley bans the sales of fur

fur sales ban Berkely

BERKELY, UNITED STATES, 10 APRIL 2017 – The City Council of Berkeley CA last week voted to adopt an ordinance banning the sale of fur apparel, signaling that Berkeley is a city that cares about all individuals. The bill was spearheaded by Berkeley Coalition for Animals (BCA), and sponsored by Council Member Kriss Worthington. BCA is

Lucky seventeen – foxes rescued from cruel Polish fur farms

Seventeen foxes rescued from Polish fur farm

Cruel conditions revealed on a fox fur farm in Raciborsk, near Wieliczka. Seventeen foxes were rescued by the Open Cages Association. The foxes will be taken care of by animal shelters all over Poland. POLAND, 3 APRIL 2017 – The end of March, an animal welfare organization in Cracow discovered a small fox farm along with an

New bill to ban fur farming in Estonia

Wild mink

ESTONIA, 6 MARCH 2017 – In February a legislative draft to ban fur farming in Estonia was proposed by member of parliament Barbi Pilvre (Social Democrats) . The proposed ban includes a ten-year changeover period for fur farmers to transition to a more sustainable industry. The draft that was initiated by 14 parliament members from different factions

Estonian population against fur farming

Public Opinion map

ESTONIA, 5 FEBRUARY 2017 –  69% of the Estonian population does not support raising and killing animals on farms for fur and 75% of the Estonians disapprove of the use of animals in circuses, as was found in the latest survey by Kantar Emor. According to the survey, that was commissioned by the animal advocacy organization NGO