22 JUNE 2017, FRANCE – After working together with Fur Free Alliance member One Voice French major multi-line retailer La Redoute joined the Fur Free Retailer program. La Redoute is one of France’s top e-commerce sellers of women’s apparel and home decor. Nathalie Balla, co-president of La Redoute, commented on this ethical choice: “Many years ago we made
22 JUNE 2017, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – Today, the Fur-Free Alliance released the results of a poll showing that a majority of Massachusetts voters want a statewide ban on the sale of clothing that contains animal fur. The poll asked voters if they’d support a ban on “the sale of clothing garments containing fur from animals
7 JUNE 2017, PRAGUE – Today the Czech Chamber of Deputies has voted in vast majority to prohibit fur farming starting 2019. With 132 votes in favour – and 9 votes against and 20 absences – the bill to ban fur farming found overwhelming approval. The vote means a major win for animal rights and will spare
18 MAY 2017, TALLIN – On 10 May, with 24 votes in favour and 49 against, the parliament of Estonia rejected a bill that would outlaw fur farming in Estonia over a period of ten years. In February a legislative draft was proposed to ban fur farming in Estonia including a ten-year changeover period for fur farmers to transition to a more
13 MAY 2017, PRAGUE – In its second reading the Czech Chamber of Deputies voted in favor of the amendment of the bill that bans the breeding and killing of animals for fur. The amendment was proposed by a number of Deputies led by chairman of the Czech Committee on the Environment, Mr.Robin Böhnisch. The ban on fur
25 APRIL 2017 – In a letter to the members of the Bosnian House of Peoples the Fur Free Alliance urges the Bosnian government to stay committed to the Animal Protection and Welfare Act that was voted upon in 2009 and make an end to fur farming. In 2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina passed a law to ban