BULGARIA, 19 JULY 2015 – In a demonstration on July 19th of this year, Bulgarians protested against fur farming, and more specifically against the construction of a new mink farm owned by a company called Farmpro LTD. The demonstration was the second this year and was organized by the Bulgarian Vegetarian Society and supported by a number of other organizations and groups.
The public heard about the plans for the new mink farm in late May and immediately a petition was created by a concerned citizen. This petition gathered 16 000 signatures within the first five days and was followed by a first protest in Sofia. Petko Politov, who is leading the campaign against the mink farm, says:
“The public in Bulgaria was surprised with this new cruel activity and organized itself against it immediately”
The Bulgarian Vegetarian Society is filing two complaints against the mink farm – one before the Ministry of Environment and Waters and one before the Ministry and Agriculture and Food. Reineke Hameleers, Director Eurogroup for Animals, says:
“The message from the 20 000 people who have signed the petition against the fur farm in Bulgaria, and the outcome of various opinion polls in a number of EU Member States is clear – the EU citizens don’t want fur farming. The protests against mink farming in Bulgaria are important statements from the Bulgarian citizens. The government of Bulgaria now has the opportunity to listen to the citizens and stand up for animal welfare. Fur farming should not exist within a Europe that cares for animals”
There are now only two existing mink farms in Bulgaria and it is clear the citizens strongly oppose the business of raising animals for fur.