HELSINKI, 22 MAY 2015 – Over a thousand people came out to show their support for a Fur Farm Free Finland in an international demonstration in Helsinki on thursday the 21st of May. An international petition with 200 000 signatures from more than 100 countries was handed over to the new Finnish parliament calling for an end to
HELSINKI, 31 MAY 2015 – Finnish and Estonian animal protection organizations are organizing a massive international demonstration today, May 21st, to call for a fur ban in Finland. The demonstration starts at Senaatintori (Senate Square) at 15.30. The march will set off at 16.00, and will end in Kansalaistori between Kiasma and Musiikkitalo, where the representatives
WASHINGTON, 7 MAY 2015 – Apparel brand Andrew Marc has settled a civil contempt suit with Fur Free Alliance member organization The Humane Society of the United States after an investigation revealed raccoon dog fur violations. The investigation uncovered that the brand continued to sell raccoon dog fur despite a court order prohibiting it after March
SWEDEN, 9 MAY 2015 – Swedish Fur Free Alliance member organization Djurens Rätt reports that the County Administrative Board’s in Sweden has withdrawn the license of a mink farm due to violations of animal welfare regulations. The size of the cages on the farm were found to be too small and the number of minks
During last fifteen years three out of four Norwegian fur farms have closed down. In 2014 only 262 fur farms were left in Norway compared to 1277 farms in 1996. The numbers, that are published by Norwegian Fur Free Alliance member organization Dyrevernalliansen, show that the fur industry is highly sensitive to conjuncture and does not provide a
PRAGUE/BRUSSELS, 31 MARCH 2015 – The Czech Minister of Agriculture, Marian Jurečka, received an open letter today from the international coalitions Eurogroup for Animals and Fur Free Alliance, which bring together 72 animal welfare organisations from all over the world. The associations call upon the minister to adopt a ban on the breeding of animals for