
It is time to see through the marketing tactics of the European fur industry

mink farm

BRUSSELS, 21 OCTOBER 2015 – Member states have an opportunity to play a leading role for animal welfare globally by phasing out fur farming, write Salla Tuomivaara and Siri Martinsen. Salla Tuomivaara is the director of Animalia and Siri Martinsen, veterinarian, is the director of NOAH. They are the co-authors of the report “Nordic fur trade – marketed

Major new report on European fur trade

What’s behind fashion? European fur trade marketed as responsible business. The European fur industry, and especially the Nordic fur industry, markets itself as a responsible business concerned about ethics. A new report reveals that fur farms producing Saga fur, the main Nordic fur auction house and brand, share the considerable animal welfare problems inherent in

Fur-free fashion taking ground in Russia

RUSSIA, 5 OCTOBER 2015 – From 3 until 10 October Russian Fur Free Alliance member VITA Animal Protection Center and Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics are running a campaign in Russia against the production and wearing of fur, promoting the wide variety of warm alternative clothes choices available. On the 4th October, in celebration of World Animal

Swedish government urged to phase out fur farming

STOCKHOLM, 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 – In a letter to the Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs the Fur Free Alliance and Eurogroup for Animals urge the Minister to listen to the Swedish citizens and phase out mink farming. The letter that was sent to Minister Sven Erik-Bucht of Rural Affairs can be read here.   A

EU strengthens trade ban on cruel seal products

Canadian seal hunt

8 SEPTEMBER 2015, BRUSSELS – The European Parliament has voted to strengthen the EU ban on trade in cruel commercial seal hunt products, finally seeing off years of legal challenges by Canada and Norway. The ban was introduced in 2009 following public outrage at the cruelty involved in seal hunts, including seals as young as

Two fox cubs, five paws

POLAND, 21 AUGUST 2015 – Last week, inspectors from the Polish Fur Free Alliance member organisation Otwarte Klatki intervened at a fox farm in Kiełczewo, Kościan commune in western Poland to rescue two fox cubs. Inspectors came across the wounded animals in the course of inspection carried out on the farm with the consent of