
Majority of Czechs in favor of fur farming ban

Public opinion Europe

CZECH REPUBLIC, 23 JANUARY 2016 –  A recent poll showed that the majority of the population in the Czech Republic is in support of a ban on fur farming. The poll was conducted by the Czech Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM). Naděžda Čadová, CVVM analyst, says: “The Czech Republic public is convinced that fur farming should be banned. In the current research, which

Fur on children’s wear full of toxics

Toxic Furs

AMSTERDAM, 12 JANUARY 2016 –  Fur trims on children’s jackets contain harmful levels of toxic chemicals posing a serious health risk. New research, commissioned by Dutch Fur Free Alliance member Bont voor Dieren, tested children’s wear of well known brands as Canada Goose, Versano, Woolrich, Nickelson and Airforce. All of the brands, that were tested by the German independent research laboratory Bremer

Four Norwegian mink farms forced to close down after inspections

Animal welfare problems on Norwegian mink farm

NORWAY, 17 DECEMBER 2015 – Severely untreated injuries, sick animals and inhumane killing methods were some of atrocities encountered by inspectors which causes four Norwegian mink farms to face closing down. During various inspections of the Food Safety Authority, the animal welfare on the mink farms was repeatedly found to be in such urgent, abominable state that inspectors demanded the immediate euthanization of a number

Animal abuse on Dutch mink farm exposed

Animal abuse on Dutch mink farm

THE NETHERLANDS, 7 DECEMBER 2015 – New undercover footage of Dutch animal rights organisation Stichting Animal Rights reveals violent animal mistreatment on a Dutch mink farm. The footage, recorded on mink farm Rios Mink in Rosmalen, shows two employees hard-handedly throwing mink into a gas box. The brutal abuse of mink exposed by the video is not the first time Rios Mink has caused

Award-winning documentary Inside Fur screened in Estonia

Ola Waagen film director Inside Fur

TALLIN, 3 DECEMBER – Last week the Norwegian Award-winning documentary Inside Fur (Pels) was screened at Tallinn’s Cinema House. The documentary, which gives an alarming inside view on the atrocities of the Nordic fur industry, was internationally released in April 2015 and is currently circulating the global film festival circuit. The film screening, which was organised by Fur Free Alliance member

Exposed: Real Fur Sold as Fake on British High-Street

Fox farming in Canada ©Joanne McArthur/We Animals

LONDON, 26 NOVEMBER 2015 – As winter approaches, and the majority of the British public continue to reject the idea of wearing real animal fur, investigations by Fur Free Alliance member Humane Society International/UK and the BBC’s consumer show Fake Britain expose how inadequate and misleading garment labelling is leaving consumers without clear information to tell