LONDON – 11 OCTOBER 2017 – The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and LAV, along with the Fur Free Alliance (FFA), are pleased that the leading global fashion house Gucci has announced it will no longer use animal fur, beginning with its spring-summer 2018 collection. Gucci’s President & CEO Marco Bizzarri announced the
27 SEPTEMBER 2017, BRUSSELS – A new report by the Fur Free Alliance, presented at the European Parliament today, has revealed a woeful lack of compliance with an EU Regulation introduced in 2012 to alert consumers to the presence of real animal fur in textile products, leading the animal protection coalition to call on the
20 SEPTEMBER 2017 – The Fur Free Retailer program welcomes YOOX NET-A- PORTER as the 750th apparel company to join the program since its formation in 2006. The program is run in more than 20 countries worldwide by the Fur Free Alliance, an international coalition of animal protection organisations, and looks to connect fur-free influencers
FINLAND, 19 AUGUST 2017 – New footage from five Finnish fur farms shows that the selective breeding of super sized foxes – which caused an uproar in the 1980s – has not come to an end. The video material was filmed during the spring of 2017, says Oikeutta eläimille (Justice for Animals), the organization that released
5 AUGUST 2017, PRAGUE – On August 1, the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, signed the amendment of the animal protection law that will make an end to fur farming. The ban on fur farming has now been adopted definitely, and will become effective on the first day of the second calendar month following its publication.
30 JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS – Last week the Dutch Advertising Standards Authority forced the fur brand Airforce to remove false animal-friendly claims from their labels. The company was selling jackets with raccoon dog fur trims labelled as ‘ethical’ and ‘responsible’. Raccoon dogs are farmed in China in atrocious conditions with hardly any inspections taking place. The Chinese region